Skillindia And PMKVY Free Course With Certificate|| How To Register On Skillindia Courses Program 2022

Lifecycle of Training partner & Training Centre

With a holistic approach towards enabling a strong skill development system, the Lifecycle of Training Partner and Training Centre is aimed at building a quality assured process, meeting the required parameters of the Training Provider(s) and the Training Centre(s). To achieve this objective, NSDC provides a single-window clearance system to the Training Providers (TPs) with the following features:

  • Transparent, unified, one-stop solution with mandated time-bound delivery of accreditation and affiliation of Training Centres
  • Single, front-end portal interface for Training Providers, ensuring accessibility to Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) and Schemes
  • Providing opportunity to stakeholders to perform continuous technology-driven monitoring of the Training Centres
  • Evaluating the performance of skill development programs objectively, to foster excellence and build effectiveness while delivering competency-based training
  • Enabling the trainees and other stakeholders to make informed choices regarding Training Centres

Qualification Packs & National Occupational Standards

National Occupational Standards (NOS) define the measurable performance outcomes required from an individual engaged in a particular task. They list down what an individual performing that task should know and also do. These standards can form the benchmarks for various education and training programs and recruitment range of HRM practices. Just as each job role may require the performance of a number of tasks, the combination of all the NOSs corresponding to these tasks would form the Qualification Pack (QP) for that job role.


Takshashila, the National Portal for Trainers and Assessors, is an initiative by NSDC under the Skill India Mission. The portal serves as a dedicated online platform for the management of Trainers and Assessors of the Indian Short-Term Skill ecosystem, functioning as the central repository of information concerning development of quality Trainers and Assessors. It aims to smoothly implement the programme for Training of Trainers and Assessors, ensuring transparency to all the involved stakeholders. The portal provides information about TOT-TOA programs planned by Sector Skill Councils through a public training calendar. It also provides a list of certified trainers and assessors who have been certified by Sector Skill Councils across states, sectors and job roles.

Some key features of the portal are -

  • Single window access to information related to trainers’ and assessors’ training calendar, certification process, competency enhancement and learning resources
  • Offers transparent and structured training programs for Trainers and Assessors
  • Enhances efficiency for the involved stakeholders
  • Demand aggregation of TOT-TOA requirements through Training Requests

About Training of Trainers Program

The Government of India has a target of skilling 400 million people by 2022. The National Policy of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015 envisaged the need to meet the goal and laid impetus on quality assurance in skilling. One of the critical quality control factors is the supply of quality trainers and assessors. A structured and detailed Training program for Trainers and Assessors becomes essential to address the requirement of adequately trained trainers and assessors in the skill eco-system. National Skill Development Corporation endeavors to structure Training programs for Trainers and Assessors across sectors through the Guidelines for Training of Trainers and Assessors. These Guidelines have been developed in a consultative manner, with inputs from various stakeholders like Sector Skill Councils, NSDC and Training Providers; establishing a robust model for creating quality trainers and assessors required under the ‘Skill India Mission’.

Training of Trainers (ToT) and Training of Assessors (ToA) programs are implemented by Sector Skill Councils, with a focus on the following:

  • Domain Skills - Orientation and alignment of trainers and assessors as per the requirements of National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) on the respective job role.
  • Training Delivery / Assessment Skills - Development of training delivery skills and assessment criteria for trainers and assessors respectively, engaged in skill training and assessments of various job roles.

Key Highlights of Training program for Trainers and Assessors

  • Defined entry level requirements for trainers/assessors.
  • Standardized training/assessing experience requirements
  • Standardized content for training programs
  • Orientation and certification of trainers and assessors on domain standards
  • Outcome based approach for training and assessment
  • Process guidance on conducting ToT and ToA program
This Program Is Best for all student and training provider person who can register here for free and lear and provide services.


Since its inception, Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) are one of NSDC’s significant pillars of strength, which play a vital role in bridging the gap between industry demand and the skill ecosystem. Playing an instrumental role, SSCs bring together all the stakeholders - industry, labour and academia together to ensure that the industry is furnished with skilled and efficient workforce. Operating as an autonomous body, a Sector Skill Council is registered as a Section 8 Company, or a Society. NSDC initiates and incubates SSCs with initial seed funding to facilitate their growth and enable them to achieve self-sustainability in a time-bound manner.

To facilitate employment, Sector Skill Councils have been encouraged to develop their own placement portal and mobile applications. These portals are linked to demand aggregation and are aimed at mapping the skill needs of the industry. The 360-degree interface of the portal connects candidates and training partners with recruitment firms and potential employers. Some of the SSCs have already started operating such portals, while a few others would follow.

Skill Training For Employment

National Skill Development Corporation under the guidance of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship has introduced an initiative which allows aspirant candidates to register for skill training/learning and employment opportunities through the online portal.

National Skill Development Corporation under the guidance of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship has introduced an initiative which allows aspirant candidates to register for skill training/learning and employment opportunities through the online portal.

Here Is A Link For Online Apply & You Can Also Watch Complete Process Video, Search Sunil Tech Point Youtube Channel For Videos.

Click Here= Apply Now.



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